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Which Mean Girls Character Is Actually You?

Oh we all think we’re Regina or Cady. NOT SO.

mean girls Source: Celebmix.com

1. Which group were you in at school?
The popular gals
The sporty crew

The goths/emos/grungers/general black-clad, angsty people
The nerds

No group really, just floated around
2. Pick a Harry Potter villain.
Warner Bros

Warner Bros
Bellatrix Lestrange
Warner Bros
3. What's your best quality?
Sense of humour


4. Pick a Lindsay.
Parent Trap Lindsay
Freaky Friday Lindsay

PA Wire
Blonde Hot Mess Lindsay
2017 Humanitarian Lindsay
5. Would you consider yourself a leader, a follower, or an outsider? Be honest!

6. And finally, what would your entry in the Burn Book say?
Made out with a hot dog
Uses Super Jumbo Tampons

The nastiest skank bitch I have ever met
A grotsky little byotch
Answer all the questions to see your result!
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You're Damian!
And you're almost too gay to function - but it's only OK when Janis says that.
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You're Janis!
You used to be best friends with Regina, but then you cut off all your hair and got totally weird, and now I guess you're on crack.
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You're Cady!
Homeschooled jungle freak who is just a less hot version of Regina George, TBH. But you're pretty nice, we guess.
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You're Regina George!
You're a life ruiner. You ruin people's lives.
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You're Karen!
Your breasts can always tell when it's going to rain. Well... they can tell when it's raining.
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You're Gretchen Wieners!
You're sorry that people are so jealous of you, but you can't help it that you're popular.
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You're Aaron Samuels!
Your hair looks sexy pushed back. And you like sports. And that's pretty much all we know about you.
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You're Kevin Gnapoor!
You're a Mathlete, but you're not about to let that stop you shakin' your thang. (Yes, we just said thang.)
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You're Ms Norbury!
You're a pusher. You PUSH people. But it's just because you care!
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You're Regina's mom!
Not a regular mom. A cool mom.
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You're Glen Coco!
You may not be a major player in the game, but you're still extremely memorable. FOUR FOR YOU GLEN COCO! You go Glen Coco.
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